
Vaporetto route map

Map of vaporetto routes in Venice. Vaporetto route map (Italy) to print. Vaporetto route map (Italy) to download. Venice vaporetto route change from time to time (see vaporetto route map). This means that printed maps and guidebook descriptions of vaporetto route lines, which are operated by the transit agency ACTV, are frequently out of date. Please note that vaporetto routes are subject to change and seasonal variation. When in doubt, check the timetables at the vaporetto stops.

Map of vaporetto routes in Venice

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Vaporetto route 12 (outer island route) is your transport to the smaller outer islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello and is well travelled by tourists as its shown in vaporetto route map. Vaporetto route 12 departs from a terminus on the north shore of Venice called Fondamente Nove. Most visitors will have to travel to Fondamente Nove using vaporetto routes 4 or 5. Boats used are mid-size larger than the small water bus routes 4 and 5, but smaller than route 1. There are a minimum of two services an hour even in winter. Unlike the other boats, these have toilets.
Using vaporetto, routes 4 and 5 circumnavigate the main island of Venice in each direction and do not go through the Grand Canal that splits the main island in two as its mentioned in vaporetto route map. These boats are more protected from the elements than the vaporetti, also having space for wheelchairs. Vaporetto route number 4 just follows the coastline all around the island, hopping across and back from the island of Murano along the way. Vaporetto route 5 follows a near identical route around the island but doesn't make the short detour to Murano Island. instead it detours over to the Venice Lido.