
Actv map

Map of actv . Actv map (Italy) to print. Actv map (Italy) to download. Since 1 January 2001 Actv turned into a corporation in compliance with the guidelines of Legislative Decree 422/97 (Burlando) and Regional Law 25/98. Share capital was established as liras 90,546,181,264 (equal to 46,763,200 Euros) divided into 467,632 shares worth a par value of liras 193,627 (equal to 100 Euros each). The actv company is a local corporation (see actv map) under article 22 paragraph 3, letter E of Law 142/90 and capital shall be held, throughout the duration of the company, by the founding shareholders to an extent of not less than 51%.
Currently Actv S.p.A. owns approximately 620 buses and 160 boats and 150 floating pontoons (2010 data). Every year actv carries more than 190 million passengers and produces approximately 520,000 hours of navigation and 33 and a half million kilometres in the bus division (2010). Actv S.p.A. lately has developed a great focus on environmental problems and protection (see actv map), respect and promotion of cultural heritage, by purchasing in 2008 and 2009 10 300-series large vessels and 7 low environmental impact breakwater motor vessels sitting 400 people and a series of methane-powered buses.
Actv provides transport services on both land and water as you can seein actv map. The actv company has fleets of water- and land buses for services in the centre, suburbs and out of town. Actv has done a lot of work recently on renewing its fleet by investing substantial sums to achieve great improvements in the standards of quality, efficiency and, not least, environmental impact.